What is RSS?

Government of Nova Scotia News—Delivered To Your Desktop

Government of Nova Scotia news releases and advisories can now be delivered to your desktop using RSS.

Why Use RSS?

RSS—which means Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, depending whom you ask—allows you to:

Government News Made Easy

No searching for updates on the provincial website. The Government of Nova Scotia news feeds provide the latest news releases and advisories from Communications Nova Scotia, government's full-service communications agency.

You receive an advisory that includes the date, a headline, a summary and a weblink for each item, right on your desktop. If you want to see the full text, simply click on the weblink.

Choose the news feeds you receive. Receive all news releases and advisories issued by Communications Nova Scotia or receive only traffic advisories prepared by the Department of Transportation and Public Works.

Get Started Now

(Detailed instructions on how to add news feeds are included in the news reader application.)