News release

Province Seeks Input on Renewable Electricity Regulations

Energy (June 2002 - July 2018)

People and organizations with an interest in renewable electricity generation are invited to comment on draft regulations designed to guide the implementation of the province's new renewable electricity plan.

Minister of Energy Bill Estabrooks said today, May 31, the regulations are in draft form so that interested groups can provide input before they are finalized later this summer.

"These changes will help create good jobs and grow the economy across every region of the province," said Mr. Estabrooks. "Nova Scotians have already played a major role in creating our renewable electricity plan. We look forward to their continued involvement this spring and summer to help ensure the final regulations get us to our targets."

Earlier this spring, government introduced its plan to achieve 25 per cent renewable electricity by 2015, and set a goal of 40 per cent renewable electricity by 2020. Legislation supporting the plan was passed earlier this month.

The regulations establish eligibility for community-based projects and a process for determining how they get paid, along with a special process to support the next stage of tidal development. They also establish a new renewable electricity administrator to manage bids for larger projects from independent power producers.

Copies of the Renewable Electricity Plan and the draft regulations are available online on the Department of Energy website at or by calling 902-424-8802.

Submissions can be made by e-mail to or in writing to, Department of Energy, Renewable Regulations, 400-5151 George St., P.O. Box 2664, Halifax, N.S., B3J 3P7.

The deadline for submissions is July 23.

A series of public meetings will be held around the province later this spring to discuss the regulations. Check the department website in the coming weeks for consultation dates and locations.