News release

New Hospital for Colchester East Hants Gets the Go-Ahead

Health (to Jan. 2011)

A new hospital in Truro will mean better access to top quality health care for residents in the Colchester East Hants health district, says acting Health Minister Jamie Muir.

Mr. Muir was in Truro today, Sept. 9, to announce the province's $78-million commitment to replace the Colchester Regional Hospital. The total project cost is about $104 million.

"Residents, health-care providers, and local officials have been looking forward to a new hospital for several years," said Mr. Muir. "With the provincial commitment and funding now in place, members of the community can roll up our sleeves to raise funds and make the necessary plans to start building."

The Colchester East Hants Health Authority provides services from both the Colchester Regional Hospital, in Truro, and the Lillian Fraser Memorial Hospital, in Tatamagouche.

The present Colchester Regional Hospital is the oldest of any of the province's regional care facilities.

"This project will secure the future of quality health services in Colchester East Hants," said Karen Casey, chair of the health authority. "After years of planning and consultation with our health-care team and communities, we finally have the commitment we need to bring this project to fruition."

The new hospital will be based on a cost-saving, two-building campus model. All administrative services and non-clinical activities will be housed in an administrative building. The funding will allow the health authority to proceed with the next stage of planning, which will involve tendering for architectural design. The new facility is expected to be completed in 2010.

"We are delighted to have the opportunity to assist in building a new facility that will address the health-care needs of the residents of Colchester and East Hants for generations," said Karen McNeil, chair of the Colchester Regional Hospital Foundation. "This is about men, women, businesses, municipalities, foundations, and service clubs being as generous as they can possibly be. It is about providing leadership, as volunteers, as donors and as member of our community. It is about coming together as a community to ensure that the best possible health care is available for the members of our community for years to come."

In July 2001, the Minister of Health approved a request from the Colchester East Hants Health Authority to conduct a district-wide role study. The study was approved by the minister in 2002. Subsequent to this, the health authority was advised to describe its needs in terms of replacing the existing Colchester Regional Hospital.

The district selected and purchased a site for the new facility in the summer of 2005.