News release

Celebrate a Decade of Success During Waste Reduction Week

Environment and Labour (Oct. 2000 - March 2008)

ENVIRONMENT/LABOUR--Celebrate a Decade of Success During Waste Reduction Week

Clean Nova Scotia is celebrating a decade of success by organizing a jam-packed week of events for Waste Reduction Week, Oct. 21-27.

Clean Nova Scotia credits the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour for helping to organize this week to increase awareness about waste reduction and to celebrate the province's success.

"Nova Scotians should be especially proud to celebrate Waste Reduction Week because we've been so successful at diverting waste from our landfills," said David Morse, Minister of Environment and Labour. "Our efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost have made us leaders in Canada and around the world."

While Nova Scotians have made great strides in reducing the amount of waste going to landfills, more remains to be done.

"Nova Scotians have risen to the challenge in separating their waste and we are ready for the next step -- using our power as consumers to choose to use less," said Angela Griffiths, executive director of Clean Nova Scotia, a non-profit environmental education organization.

Waste Reduction Week uses theme days to assist people in identifying how they can reduce waste. The theme days are:

  • Monday: Home
  • Tuesday: Travel
  • Wednesday: Work
  • Thursday: School
  • Friday: Play
  • Saturday: Shopping
  • Sunday: Community

Waste Reduction Week events include the following:

  • Bike Again! Event: The public can donate old bikes, bike parts and equipment to the Bike Again! project. Donations can be made from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Bloomfield Centre, 2786 Agricola St., Halifax. A Bike Safety Talk will be given at 6 p.m.

  • Swap Sunday: Unwanted clothes, books and toys can be dropped off at Hawthorn School in Dartmouth (off Portland Street) between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 27. The swap is an opportunity to get rid of unwanted items, as well as find treasures from someone else. All items that are left over at the end of the day will be donated to charities.

  • Get Caught Contest: During Waste Reduction Week, Clean Nova Scotia's spotters will look for people who help the environment, but whose hard work goes unnoticed. Radio listeners of 96.5 FM will be advised to "Get Caught" reducing, reusing, recycling or composting by a spotter. Those who get caught will be rewarded with prizes. The Metro Radio Group is providing in-kind support for this contest, which will be restricted to Halifax Regional Municipality.

  • Just Between Families Contest: Ths contest challenges families to reduce their waste and to share their strategies with other Nova Scotians. Families are asked to submit a one- to two-page summary of their strategies by Oct. 22. A committee will select a winner, who will receive a family adventure package from Liscombe Lodge in Guysborough County.